How do I place an order?
Our doorstep delivery orders all go through our website. It is super easy for you to select the products that you require on the days that you wish.
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What if I want to change my order?
Just log in to your account where you can add or remove products, as well as pause your subscription if you have too much or are going on holiday. You can also add ‘one off’ items whenever you like.
How do I pay?
When you order online, you’ll pay via card on Stripe. The payment is taken up front. Then going forward, subscription payments will automatically be taken each week from the card details you have provided us with.
What do I do with the glass bottles?
If you have ordered glass bottles, they should be rinsed out when finished with and left out for your milkman to collect. At this stage we do not require the lids to be returned, just the bottles themselves.
Can I return the egg boxes?
Yes, we will reuse the egg boxes, providing they are in good condition.
Can I collect items directly from the farm?
Yes, we have a small honesty shop at the farm gate where you can purchase milk, cream, butter, eggs, cheese and even ice cream. It is open from 6am until approximately 8.00pm 7 days a week
How do holidays work?
You can easily pause your deliveries using the holiday function. In order for subscriptions to continue to renew payments are taken as normal. We are then notified on your return and any refunds due are processed.